What to Eat and Avoid after Food Poisoning

Consumption of food contaminated with pathogens like bacteria, fungi and viruses can lead to food poisoning. Both during processing and manufacturing processes, food may get infected with toxins. Food poisoning can be mild to severe based on the involved toxin and an individual’s health condition. Cyclosporine, E.coli, listeria and salmonella are some pathogens that are most frequently associated with food poisoning. So, to treat mild food poisoning, you can try these 10 work-fast home remedies. Likewise, food poisoning can significantly affect your health and post-food poisoning nutritional consulting is very important. Here are a few important guidelines on what to eat and avoid after food poisoning. 

What to Eat After Food Poisoning

1. Liquids

image001Dehydration turns out to be one of the biggest concerns if you are having food poisoning. Body tends to lose fluids briskly by vomiting and diarrhea so replacement of these fluids is certainly required. Try avoiding ingestion of foods or beverages that can worsen your condition. Sucking on ice chips can prevent from dehydration when you are experiencing severe vomiting condition. Once your vomiting has resolved, gradually replace fluids by consuming clear beverages like electrolyte drinks, apple juice and water. Inflamed intestine or stomach can be soothed by drinking rice and barley water. Do not take caffeinated beverages as they further irritate the stomach lining and also avoid taking dairy products which aggravates the diarrhea.

2. BRAT Diet

image002BRAT is an acronym for bananas, applesauce, rice and toast. So this is all that’s included in a BRAT diet that you should consume in any gut related illness (with some exceptions obviously). These foods have minimal potential of irritating stomach and help in overcoming diarrhea. BRAT diet basically calms the stomach and alleviates diarrheal condition. It keeps you away from foods that can cause stomach upset like fats and sugars. Drinking a lot of fluid with BRAT diet can help in rehydrating and early recovery.


3. Supplements

image003Listed below are some nutritional guidelines that you might need to follow when it comes to what to eat after food poisoning:

  • Consuming pro-biotics like Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus acidophilus, which totally help in maintaining the normal bacterial flora (good human-friendly bacteria) in intestine. While travelling to some place where water and food may have chances of contamination, using pre-biotics prior to and after the travel can help in maintaining the health of intestine.
  • Even when no scientific study provides a proof of antimicrobial properties of apple cider vinegar, it is still in practice as a traditional home remedy. All you have to do is, add 2 tsp in a cup of warm water and mix it. Drink this mixture several times a day.

4. Herbs

image004There are several traditionally used herbs for food poisoning. However plenty of research is required in this area. Listed below are some herbs that are used in case of food poisoning but be careful not to use them as a replacement of conventional medical care.



  • Milk thistle i.e. Silybum marianum is used quite often for disorders of liver and is widely employed in treating Amanita mushroom poisoning in Europe. Studies suggest that within the 48 hours of ingestion of Amanita mushroom, effective treatment can be instituted by pharmaceutical Silibinin, which happens to be the primary active constituent of milk thistle.
  • Animal based studies suggest that the combination of Japanese and Chinese herbal remedies (mainly used for listeria) can give favourably effective results in case of food poisoning. The active constituents include: Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), Peony root (Paeonia officinalis), Licorice ( Glycyrrhiza glabra), Ginger root (Zingiber officinale), Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus), Chinese cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum aromaticum) and Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng)

What to Avoid after Food Poisoning

Besides what to eat after food poisoning, you should know what to avoid. Once your symptoms of food poisoning are alleviated, ease your body by initially taking food that can easily be digested and certainly avoiding the foods that can result in recurrence of the symptoms or have capability to upset your stomach all over again. Listed below are the foods that need to be avoided after food poisoning.

1. Dairy Products

image005Avoid eating dairy products except some products that have low lactose levels (such as yogurt) because diarrhea manages to cause lactose intolerance which may be temporary. People sensitive to dairy products will have to put more consideration in the idea of consuming dairy products. If you consume dairy products in large amounts even after weeks of recovery from food poisoning, you may develop some degree if indigestion or bloating type symptoms.


2. Spicy or Fatty Foods

image006Talk about comfort! Spicy food can cause total gas problems and so do fatty foods that may include sweets. Both of the varieties of food are not well tolerated under diarrheal circumstances so you might want to keep your distance from them until you are finally recovered from food poisoning symptoms.



3. Foods with High Fiber

image007On one side fiber enriched foods are the healthiest on the other side they adds to the burden of already over-loaded digestive system. Fibrous foods includes veggies and fruits along with their peels, seeds and nuts, legumes, whole grains and citrus fruits. By avoiding fibrous foods you can provide an opportunity for your digestive system to rest and recover. However once the symptoms are assuaged you can add the fibrous foods back to your diet gradually.

4. Alcohol and Caffeine

image008With their consumption chances of dehydration escalate and result in aggravation of diarrhea. With active food poisoning, avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee, hot cocoa, tea and chocolate. Best option is to keep yourself hydrated by the fluids already discussed above.




5. Apple and Pear Juices

image009Due to sorbitol, glucose and fructose present in apple and pear juices, they are to be avoided despite the fact that they are clear liquids because in some people consumption of these may worsen the diarrhea.

Now you know what to eat after food poisoning and what to stay away from.