Superfoods List

The concept of “superfoods” refers to those foods that are commonly thought to be particularly healthy or have some specific benefits for health. These foods are typically high in nutrients, while being low in those things that are generally considered to be “unhealthy” (additives, fats, contaminants, etc.). While many people swear by these foods, there is not always a lot of scientific evidence to support claims. The good news is that all of the foods included here are a part of a good, healthy diet so including them in your diet can make a lot of sense.

Superfoods List






Asparagus; Beets; Bell peppers; Broccoli; Brussels sprouts; Cabbage; Carrots; Cauliflower; Chard (Ruby, Rainbow, Swiss); Cucumbers; Eggplant; Garlic; Green beans; Greens (Collard, Kale, Mustard, Turnip, Spinach); Mushrooms (Common, Crimini, Portobello, Shiitake); Onions; Peas; Potatoes (Sweet, White and Yams); Romaine lettuce; Squash (Summer, Winter); Tomatoes




Apples; Apricots; Bananas; Avocados; Berries (Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Strawberries); Black olives; Cherries; Figs; Grapefruit; Grapes; Kiwifruit; Lemons; Limes; Melon (Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Watermelon); Nectarines; Oranges; Papaya; Peaches; Pears; Pineapple; Plums; Prunes; Raisins




Amaranth; Barley; Buckwheat; Bulgur; Corn; Millet; Oats; Quinoa; Rice (Arborio, Brown, Jasmine, Wild); Rye; Spelt; Triticale; Wheat berries; Whole grain breads, cereal, pasta; Whole wheat breads, cereal, and pasta




Beans (Black, Chickpeas, Garbanzo, Kidney, Lima, Lentils, Navy, Pinto, Soy); Beef, lean; Chicken, skinless; Eggs; Egg whites; Hummus; Miso; Nuts (Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts, Walnuts); Peanut butter, natural; Pork, lean; Seafood, unbreaded (Fish, Salmon, Tuna); Seeds (Flax, Hemp, Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower); Tahini; Tempeh; Tofu; Turkey, skinless; Veggie burgers; Wild game, skinless

Calcium-Rich Foods



Almond milk; Cheese (Low fat, Cottage); Milk (Almond, Rice, Skim or 1%, Soy); Orange juice with calcium; Low fat Yogurt with active cultures




Canola oil; Chocolate (especially dark); Green tea; Olive oil

These are superfoods that increase your brain power, your immunity and your health. All of the foods on this superfoods list are readily available at your local grocery. The list is long so even the pickiest eater should be able to find food in each of the food groups that will satisfy the palate and the pocketbook.

Top 10 Superfoods List



Low-fat or No-fat Yogurt



This is a terrific source for calcium, protein and potassium. Many manufacturers are also adding probiotics to commercial yogurt. These “good for you” bacteria help stabilize the helpful bacteria in your body. If you can find yogurt with vitamin D added, eating yogurt every day can help provide many of the essential nutrients you need.




Packed with protein, starting your day with eggs may help you cut down on calories for the rest of the day. Eggs are also a good source of other essential vitamins and minerals.




Although relatively high in fat, nuts are an excellent source of fiber, protein and antioxidants. Be sure to eat no more than one ounce of nuts each day.




Kiwi fruit is packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. Kiwis are also one of the few fruits that can provide a natural source of vitamin E.




Quinoa is a whole grain that is extremely high in protein, fiber, and iron. It also contains zinc, selenium and vitamin E. Prepare this whole grain like you would your favorite rice!




Any vegetarian can tell you that beans are an excellent source of high quality protein, fiber, carbohydrates and potassium Many beans also contain the important omega-3 fatty acids.




Another exceptional source of the omega-3 fatty acids is salmon. Important for heart health, you can get enough of the fatty acids by eating salmon or other fatty fish two times a week. Salmon is also high in protein and iron. If you do not like salmon, you can substitute tuna.




Broccoli is one of the best sources of vitamins A, C and K. It also contains fiber which is important for digestive health.

Sweet Potatoes



One of the best sources of vitamins A and C, sweet potatoes are also a good source of calcium and potassium. Try a sweet potato with a little pepper instead of a “loaded” white potato.




Most of the berries are extremely high in cancer fighting antioxidants, water and fiber. Instead of eating candy to satisfy your sweet tooth, eat a handful of berries. Blueberries and cranberries are among the highest in nutrients in the berry family.

The best thing about the top 10 superfoods is that they truly are packed with nutrients, readily available, and easy to prepare. Obviously, portion size will ultimately play a part in a healthy diet, but including some of these foods on a daily basis can help you control your weight and stay healthy.